Green Building
With performance-based masonry products that are designed to last a lifetime, Elgin’s masonry units are the perfect choice for sustainable building and design. From our no waste, no-discharge manufacturing process to our construction waste management program, our products enable designers to effectively contribute “points” to projects being constructed under the U.S. Green Building Council LEED® certification rating system.
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LEED® Credits
Energy and Atmosphere
Optimize Energy Performance (2-10 points). Brick and structural glazed tile have thermal lag, which allows for the high thermal mass of these products to lessen the effects of heat and cold, therefore reducing energy demands during peak-demand hours.
Materials and Resources
Construction Waste Management (1-2 points). Brick and structural glazed tile arrive on wooden pallets that are reused many times. The packaging is recycled paper that is landfill biodegradable and may be recycled. Product waste is < 1% as most damaged pieces (max. 3% per load) can be reused as cut pieces on the project or as filler in the core holes to meet fire resistance ratings.
Resource Reuse (1-2 points). There is a high demand for “used” clay masonry, which is one of the most widely reused wall/flooring materials for new construction. Clay brick and structural glazed tile can be 100% recycled after the life of the product (100+ years). These materials can be used in other projects, thereby reducing landfill waste.
Local/Regional Materials (1-2 points). Clay is considered an “unlimited resource” material and is our primary manufacturing ingredient. Our clay is located at the manufacturing site; therefore, we have no input shipping distance, which offsets most output shipping distances.
Recycled Content (1-2 points). We operate a “no waste/no-discharge manufacturing” process-that is, clean-up water and manufacturing rejects are reused/recycled in manufacturing.
Innovation and Design Process
With the many benefits of ceramic glazed brick and structural tile, additional points are possible with Innovative Design (ID).
- Improves IAQ (Indoor Air Quality) with no off-gases; contains no hazardous chemicals, volatile organic compounds (VOC’s) or asbestos.
- Emits no toxic fumes, ozone-depleting substances or smoke, even when heated to 2000°F.
- Provides zero smoke density, zero fuel contribution and zero flame spread in a fire.
- Contains no organic material that can contribute to mold or bacteria growth; will not sustain insects.
- Requires zero maintenance (no-fading, no painting).
- Graffiti is easily cleaned with environmentally friendly detergent products, preventing the need for harmful chemicals.
- Delivers high quality clay masonry wall systems that are consistent and reliable, even in seismic zones.
- No refinishing or sealers necessary, thereby reducing harmful emissions into the atmosphere.