Vat Tile
Elgin Butler’s Vat Tile is a ceramic glazed masonry product that is ideal for industrial facilities such as pulp and paper plants. The fire clay tile and ceramic glazed surface are resistant to chemicals, easy to clean and offer a low maintenance cost making Vat Tile the ideal product for industrial facilities.
Vat Tile
Elgin Butler Co. Ceramic Glazed Vat Tile (9” x 9” and/or 9” x 12” nominal face sizes) is manufactured predominately from fireclay with a ceramic glaze finish that is fused to the body by high temperature kiln firing that makes the body and the finish inseparable. This product has historically been used in pulp and paper, chemical or allied industries; and is normally used with chemical resistant mortars such as described in ASTM C 395-01. The suitability of this product for use in masonry construction for contact with chemicals is governed by the applicable performance requirements of the following ASTM Standards:
- Solubility in Sulfuric Acid (Body): ASTM C 279-88 (2007), Table 1
- Boiling Water Absorption, 2-hr: ASTM C 279-88 (2007), Table 1
- Modulus of Rupture: ASTM C 279-88 (2007), Table 1
- Compressive Strength: ASTM C 67-09, Section 7
- Maximum Water Absorption, 2-Hour Boil (Body): ASTM C 20-00 (2010), Section 6.4
- Maximum Water Absorption, 24-Hour Cold Water (Body): ASTM C 212-00, Table 1
- Maximum Water Absorption, 24-Hour Cold Water (Body): ASTM C 1405-08, Section 5.1.1
- Exterior or Interior Durability: ASTM C 1405-08, Class Exterior
- Chemical Resistance (Ceramic Finish): ASTM C 126-09, Section 15.3
- Hardness, above MOHS 5: ASTM C 126-09, Section 6.2.5
- Tolerances on Dimensions (Body): ASTM C 212-00, Type FTX
- Maximum Extent of Chippage (Ceramic Finish): ASTM C 212-00, Type FTX
Sizes Available:
- EB 912 – 9×12 Flat Plate Veneer Plate
- EB 620 – 9×12 Bullnose Cap Plate
Please contact manufacturer for full complete list of product offerings.